What is a cyber-attack? It’s an attempt to steal information. This can be done using a variety of methods, many of which we’ve covered before.
• Phishing – Hackers send emails that look legitimate, but they really aren’t.
• Passwords – Weak passwords that are easily hacked such as Password, 12345 or those that contain your name.
• IoT (internet of things) – Security cameras, smart thermostats, etc with little to no security setup.
• Unsecured wifi – Open networks gives the wrong person the chance to log in, lock you out and cause chaos.
• Malware – Probably the most common type of attack. Your computer system or network is susceptible to viruses, spyware or ransomware.
• Man in the middle – Without you ever knowing a hacker sits between your computer and the computer you’re sending your data back and forth to and is able to intercept it.
These types of attacks are dangerous whether it’s happening to you as an individual or a major corporation. Stay with us as we continue our journey…